If you have guest experts teach inside your workshop, group program, course, or membership, use the Guest Speaker Agreement to clarify your relationship and make sure you have permission to use the guest's content in your program.
About the Contract Template
The Contract Template covers your butt and protects your client at the same time. A strong contract clarifies your responsibilities and describes what happens if anything goes wrong. Our Contract Templates are written in plain English so you and your client can understand it – no legalese, guaranteed.
The Contract Templates protect your business by discussing all the aspects of your project, including the scary stuff like licensing, confidentiality, and limitations on liability.
What’s in the Contract Template?
The Contract Templates include terms covering:
- The exact services the expert will be providing
- Whether the guest will be compensated for their presentation
- A cancellation policy, including what happens when the speaker cancels last minute
- An intellectual property license to make sure you have permission to use the guest's presentation however you want
- A release of liability so the guest can’t sue you for things beyond your control
- A limitation of liability
- Everything else a contract needs to be legally binding
How do I use the Contract Template?
Each Contract Template comes with the Artful Contracts Contract Template How-To Guide that walks you through customizing and using your contract. It also answers all your questions so you can explain the contract to your clients and show them you know what you’re talking about.
Is this Contract Template right for me?
This Contract Template is right for:
- Course creators who have guest experts
- Summit hosts who want to sign speakers
- Coaches who bring in guest coaches to help their clients
- Anyone else bringing on someone else to speak or present at their virtual event or inside their program